It is the name of the unstable molecule consisting of one carbon and one oxygen atom. Molecular formula: CO. Molecular Weight M: 28.01 g /mol.
It is a colorless, odorless gas. It is a very strong poison. It is the gas that emerges when there is no complete combustion due to lack of oxygen during combustion. Environments where this gas is concentrated pose a threat to human health. Suspicious environments should be ventilated. These environments should not be entered without a gas mask. Deaths are increasing due to the release of carbon monoxide gas caused by incomplete combustion in stoves without combustion sensors, which are still in use today. For this reason, such cases can be prevented by using a carbon monoxide gas warning device in such environments. If the carbon monoxide gas concentration increases in the inhaled air, it passes into the blood and binds more easily to hemoglobin, where oxygen is carried, than to O2. In this regard, oxygen cannot be transported to the tissues and cell death occurs. CO causes death by binding to iron, the central atom of the blood's hemoglobin. Intoxication includes headache, visual disturbances, drowsiness, mental confusion and coma. Judgment is impaired and intuition is lost. As a result, permanent brain damage can occur. Also, neurasthenia and depression can be seen. Significant recovery may be followed by encephalopathy secondary to oxygen deprivation. Organic psychoses can last for months, but they end relatively well. The treatment is done by administering 70% nitrogen and 30% oxygen with a mechanical respirator or by mouth breathing in case of emergency.